Monday, October 29, 2007

pay what you will for paste.

so my brother mark works for this great magazine called paste. he's the production coordinator, whatever that means. i'm still not sure what he does there, aside from hosting stella artois and knob creek parties, and watching tivo'd office episodes on flatscreen tv's.

if you've never heard of or picked up a paste, you're missing out. it's a terrific magazine, geared mostly towards music, but also includes articles and reviews about films and books. it's hard to compare it to another magazine, but if i must, i'd compare it to rolling stone. just take a rolling stone, remove the articles that came from people magazine, hire tasteful writers who write tasteful articles, and you've got paste. so, if you like being up to date with music, film, and books, today you're in for a treat. inspired by the unusual release of the latest radiohead album, paste is offering 'pay-what-you-want' subscriptions for the next two weeks. you can get a year's subscription for $1, and give as many gift subscriptions as you like. the general philosophy is that they would rather have ten new subcribers for $10 rather than two people paying $5.

pretty cool, i think.


Eden said...

Wow, thanks for the pay-what-you-want tip!! My roommate gets it and we listen obsessively to the cd's. I can think of a bunch of people I'd like to get it for though. In the most recent issue the letters to the editor were all about how they shouldn't have featured Kanye a few months ago -- I'm not really a Paste connoisseur, but I'm glad they did.

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